Make A Big Statement With A Big Piece

Mizner Country Club | Delray Beach, FL

Mizner Country Club | Delray Beach, FL

Did you really even go to that new restaurant if you didn’t take a picture in front of their statement wall? Whether it’s a rooftop restaurant, country club or even a pinterest worthy baby shower, everyone seems to naturally search out the most unique part of an interior for the most compelling background for their pics. Your commercial interior should be no exception. Aside from being a unique reason to stand out, creating a statement piece or wall will certainly give your new and returning patrons reason to visit your establishment over another’s-if only to take that coveted pic. Luckily, there are endless ways to make that exclusive statement even if your space is limited.

Play to Your Theme

Since you will likely have only a small wall or space to make the most impact, it is best to think as creatively outside of the box as you can while still keeping consistent with your design concept. Think about what sets you apart from other establishments and use that as your inspiration. Are you a waterside restaurant? Perhaps a metallic scale wall installation coincides with the coastal theme to be just the fresh design element you were looking for to complete your commercial establishment. Are you a country club? A wall installation of dozens of tennis balls can be an interesting backdrop while the tennis championships play on a tv nestled in between. Using simple objects or ideas can always be translated into a more refined or contemporary finished piece that captures all the attention.

Prime Catch | Boynton Beach, FL

Prime Catch | Boynton Beach, FL

Dual Purpose

While a visually stunning statement wall can certainly create an impressive impact, why not make your statement piece functional too? Perhaps it’s a grand large scale angular floor lamp that towers over everyone and everything and provides lighting. Furniture can also serve as a compelling stand out piece. A hostess stand that is inspired by a clamshell uniquely ensures attention is directed to where you need to go and the hosts are able to store and organize supplies. Even a salvaged boat that’s been repurposed into seating for those waiting for a table can be an interesting subject.

Ibis Country Club | West Palm Beach, FL

Ibis Country Club | West Palm Beach, FL

Prime Catch | Boynton Beach, FL

Prime Catch | Boynton Beach, FL

Banana Boat | Boynton Beach, FL

Banana Boat | Boynton Beach, FL

Entire Rooms

Maybe your main interior needs to be more generic and subtle to fit certain requirements for your industry or your audience and doesn’t have the ability to be an expressive interior. A workaround can be to make more of a statement in other smaller rooms, such as the bathroom, a waiting room or a meeting room. Though it may be a smaller space, that doesn’t mean that a proper impact cannot be made. It can be an exciting excuse to inject creativity and excitement into a smaller scale interior that everyone can appreciate.

Sailfish Marina Resort | West Palm Beach, FL

Sailfish Marina Resort | West Palm Beach, FL

No matter your square footage or theme, there is always an innovative way to make an impressive statement in your commercial interior. Whether you’re in need of a statement wall, piece of furniture or an entire room, our creative design build team can create a custom solution that will grab people’s attention and get them talking about your establishment.

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